Interesting Stories from Various Locations

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Things that Made Me Feel Awesome

I was freezing in bed this morning.  And I know I might have been down my usual sleep sack, but I'm still fairly comfortable in my bed without it.  In fact, I have more freedom of the legs without it, which is why I like sleeping without it, but still.  I was freezing!  Sure, I probably messed up the covers again.  I know my fuzzy blanket wasn't even on the bed because I pulled I actually sat up to pull it under the covers with me.  Wouldn't you know, thirty minutes after I do that my alarm goes off.  Good morning.  How do you like your winters?

I shouldn't complain about this.  I know it's -10F back home.  But dammit, people back home actually know how to heat the building properly!  Damn building manager or whatever doesn't want the heat on at night because it's a waste of money.  Really?  Really???  Then get some better insulation because these windows are NOT cut out for insulation!

But enough venting.  Nothing's going to be done about it anyway.  Galina at the front desk is on the side of the students when she says "the heat should be on all the time."  And hey, if I ever want to heat up, I can just go to Oscar's room because his room is miraculously stifling.  Wish I had his room.


Turned in my Linguistics essay today.  The only downfall was that it took about an hour to get all the way to Oxford Street and back for just three seconds in a building.  But I didn't mind.  No one's going to care if I leave and come back from lunch an hour and a half later, just as long as I do come back and I do get my work done.  British work environments are so laid back!  A couple weeks ago, Matt was bragging about how he missed some sort of trivia night at a pub with the guys at his internship.  No joke, his boss, normally a well-reserved and quiet gentleman, was cartwheeling across the pub.  There were pictures.  On top of that, one of his desk buddies called the pub that morning to ask if they had his jacket, which was left behind in a Tesco bag.  That's right, a Tesco bag, like the plastic shopping bags groceries come in?  He wasn't bragging about missing the night, just that it happened with people from work.  Craziness.

As I was researching more contemporary African artists, Libby came by for me to do something.  So I put the research on hold for this new project.  It's a new project.  I hopped on it like a kid who found a new toy.  She gave me a sheet with names and biographies on them.  One of them was fully completed and something I shouldn't really futz with.  And I wasn't positive what I had to do with the rest because I still have some trouble with accents and she sort of mumbled through the whole thing.  So that first time I thought I was just double checking the information in the biographies.  Then I got to work and realized that the biography of the first woman is the same thing as the biography that's finished.  What's more, the biography of the second guy didn't match the name either.  Same thing with the third.  This confuddled me, so I went to tell Libby about it.  She said I was supposed to be researching information and writing the biographies myself -- the text on the paper was just dummy text I can use as reference to how to write the biographies.  Sorry I didn't explain that correctly.

I write biographies for a book!  It's nothing to get my name on the cover, but it's  . . . wait . . .I can totally add that to my resume, can't I?  Doing that NOW.  Just added it to my resume.  Ooohh, I feel happier than I have been!  But yeah.  I wrote biographies that will appear in a book.  We'll see if any changes are made, but still, the starting point was all me.  All the research too.

Second happy topic of the day was when I went to give back the receipt and change for my last post office excursion.  The last time I went to the post office, I left at 5p and Adriana said I can return the change and receipt when I next come in.  So I kept it on my dresser back home and didn't really touch it, but I couldn't help but notice that the amount of money in change was the same amount I'm owed for travel in November and December.  So I told this to Adriana, and of course she asked for the invoices that would make my words true, and I said of course you can have the invoices.  But she let me have the money because I guess I'm a trustworthy intern and won't lie to her.  She got the invoices, I got my money, and then she sorted out my time sheet issue (in that she had to fill them out for last week and this week and I got them both today -- not really an issue but something that's nice to get out of the way, you know?)  And that also made my day.

The third thing was probably the quality of music my iPod chose for me on the bus ride back home.  Damn it was good!  I was feeling really awesome on my way back from home.  Nothing could bring my spirit down!  Not even when I went to Oscar and he said he didn't feel like going out to dinner.  He noticed right away that I was in a happy mood, but this was news to me because I just knew I was happy and feeling really good not that it was an unusual thing to feel this happy for me.  But oh well.  I went to eat dinner on my own then I went to visit Oscar for a while.

Apparently, on the previous night, Francie was having some sort of crisis and Oscar was there for her and it ended up as an all-nighter thing and it completely threw off their sleeping schedules.  Which means Oscar's sleeping schedule was thrown out of whack.  So then he was napping or something akin to napping as I was hanging in his room with him.  I didn't stay as long as usual, only an hour or so.  Because he was sleeping and I was doing stuff I could be doing in my own room with snacks and I could feel free to watch videos on blogs and what not.  Also, I wanted to start writing something, but then I opened the document and my mind went blank.  I know I wrote something in my journal on the way to Madrid, so I wanted to get that and see how far I can get with that train of thought.  And my contacts were getting at that "It's time to take us out" stage.  So there were some factors that drove me back to my room.

Now my microphone is going crazy.  For those who don't know, I have this small and awesome laptop microphone that plugs into the side of my computer.  It started freaking out via major feedback which it's never done before.  So just now I opened up the volume options for the entire laptop audio system and turned down the boost for the microphone.  And now it doesn't squeal with feedback anymore.  Go me and my technical wonders!

And I'm just chillin' in my room.  Gonna call my parents soon.  Apparently there was some car trouble the other day involving Ryan's trusted Saab.  Smoky suspects it's the cold, and I'm not there so I can't make a valid judgment, but I wouldn't put it past the cold.  Stupid cold.  Why do you have to be so . . . cold?

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