Interesting Stories from Various Locations

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Finalizing Travel Plans

Today, we celebrated the birthday of Alex in graphic design after lunch via cake.  One was carrot, and I didn't know the other.  They were small cakes.  I ate a piece of carrot cake.  It was good.

Was also asked to make a trip to the post office and city hall.  Went to city hall, went to post office, and attempted to post my mom's birthday present (it's on the way! -- sort of) but they didn't have tape to close the packaging.  And now, since I carted the package to and from the post office, I'm pretty sure the chocolate bars I'm sending are broken in more than one place.  Tear.  But you don't mind broken chocolate, do you?  It's only when it's melted that it becomes an issue . . . in my case anyway.

Today is also the last day I'll see Marianne, who is the woman that takes care of the interns (as in, manages what they're due in terms of travel expenses) and manages the miscellaneous tasks around the office.  Did I mention her before?  She's really nice, from Australia, and I did find her on Facebook but I don't think I'll friend her right away.  Maybe in a bit.  But she said she'll continue to answer her work email, so I guess I can always keep in touch with her there?  She has my email, I have hers; I think I'll send her a couple pictures.

Decided that I need to run to Boots before I leave for Italy, if only to buy a small can of either hairspray or spray on deodorant.  It's better than mace and a lot less illegal in most parts of the world.  Also made a to-do list in terms of course work to do tonight.  So now I might actually get something done!

Meanwhile, I managed to find a small town in Norway where I'll most likely stay.  It won't take an entire day to get there, there's dog sledding, skiing, and other fun activities in the area, and I'm pretty sure I can spend quite a while there.  So I'm going to check it out.  In terms of Northern Lights go, I found a site that keeps track of the sun's weather.  For those of you who don't know, the Northern Lights (or aurora borealis if you want to be scientific) is caused by radiation from the sun being sucked in by the Earth's Awesome Magnetosphere.  For more information on the subject, check out this nifty sight I just Google'd.  So, depending on what the sun decides to do, I may or may not see the Northern Lights with or without the extra effort put forth by me.  So here's hoping I can see them holed up in a small hostel in the middle of Norway. 

Pasta with white sauce tonight.  Yum.  Even made cheesy bread.  Not as disgusting as the last time I made it.  Then again, the last time I made it, I made it with fairly sharp cheddar.  Mild cheddar and toast works better.

Tonight's To Do:
- Creative writing dialogue
- Linguistics paper draft 1 (1,000 words -- easy peasy)
- Book hostels for the following:  Paris, Berlin, Helsinki

As a fun fact, I want to start a holiday celebrating two days before the day after tomorrow!  Isn't that fun to think around?

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