Interesting Stories from Various Locations

Monday, September 20, 2010

Orientation Day

20 Sept -- Orientation this morning.  I spent a bit too long eating breakfast and I missed a bunch of people leaving as a group for the same destination.  So I took the Tube by myself without really knowing which stop for the Cavendish campus.  I went one too many on my guess, which was a pretty close guess.  I found a map of the streets on the way out of the Tube and followed that until the Cavendish Campus building.  I wasn't late even though I thought I would certainly be.

There's a London Treasure Hunt that would be interesting to participate in.  My group is supposed to have four members, but it was just me and a girl from Denmark named Sidsel.  She has the form for the Hunt.  I'm going to call her tomorrow and see if she's still interested in doing it.  I also want to ask her where she lived again because she said that there's a neat market on her street that I wouldn't mind going to. 

Ate lunch with a group mostly from New York also studying at Westminster with me.  We went to a small sandwich place.  Afterwards, Toby couldn't stop saying how her sandwhich was really good.  Mine was alright, but I think my appetite's been a little off since I came here.  I don't think I'm eating as much as I was in the States.  This will probably change as I adapt more and get used to the food.

Went shopping on Oxford Street where I bought a phone and discovered Primark.  Primark is amazing because it's really cheap AND really stylish.  In the States, if it's cheap, it's not very skylish. *coughcoughwalmartcough*  I bought a duvet for my bed even though I don't have a comforter to stuff it with.  That's alright because I think I'm good with sheets for now.  I have about four layers which should be enough until it starts to get colder.  But even then my bed is by the radiator.  I also bought pillows because I needed them.  First night in London with pillows, yay!  Then I got a set of tea towels because they had cows on them and reminded me of home.

Tomorrow, I have an appointment with my advisor on my classes.  I want to change one class, but only one class.  Will look to see what's offered in the English section tomorrow morning.  Will also explore the other end of Kennington Street in search for a supermarket where I can buy legit food and kitchenware.  Also need to look for a place that sells notebooks.

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